Episcopal News Service ran a story today titled “Input sought on possible hymnal revision.” The Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music (SCLM), it seems, has undertaken a study to determine if the 1982 hymnal needs to be revised. You can read additional details in the ENS story.
As part of its study, the SCLM has put a survey on the Web that Episcopalians are invited to take sometime between now and January 31, 2011. I recommend that St. Paul’s parishioners make their voices heard (so to speak) by taking the survey. It does take 10 or 15 minutes, but it is, at times, interesting.
I’m not sure whether revising the current hymnal is a good idea or not. Certainly I would make some changes were it in my power to do so, probably dropping a few hymns, including fewer unison hymns, and adding more rounds. In any case, the survey does not ask whether you think revision is a good idea but concentrates on individual experience and taste.
Don’t let me influence you, however. Take the survey yourself by clicking here.
“The Intel On This Wasn’t 100 Percent”
8 years ago
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