So, was the praise justified? Well, yes and no. The cross with the hand prints on the cover is certainly arresting, and carrying the hand print motif through much of the brochure does, I think, work. Overall, so does the Berlin Sans FB font, although the Berlin Sans FB Demi Bold used in the calendar is ugly and hard to read. Ideally, the brochure should have been printed on heavier stock.
Then, there is the text. For years, I have complained that publications from St. Paul’s are poorly edited and proofread. This brochure is no exception. The first line of body text includes the name “St. Paul’ Episcopal Church.” I kid you not; the “s” is indeed missing! Without getting picky, I identified:
- 1 missing letter
- 24 missing commas
- 1 missing period
- 1 missing capital
- 1 extraneous word that was clearly intended to be deleted
- 5 missing spaces
- 1 missing hyphen
- 2 misstatements of fact
- 4 badly chosen phrases
- 1 instance of failing to use italics
- 1 arguable misspelling (“worshipping” is a British, not an American spelling)
- 1 single quotation mark where a double quotation mark was called for
- 1 misspelling
I have a reputation as an obsessive editor. Am I being unfair in insisting on professional standards in publications from St. Paul’s? I don’t know. Are we only an amateur church?
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